Remember To Celebrate Your Success!

If you have been reading my posts regularly, then you know I have launched myself into major lifestyle changes. I’ve set a goal to lose weight as a way to improve my health. As a result of my efforts, I am proud to announce I have reached a total loss of 16 pounds to date. To celebrate, my husband and I went to a dinner show this last weekend. In the past, I have made the mistake of forgetting the benefits of celebration. I urge you to remember to celebrate your success, you will reap the benefits!

The dinner show was a “who done it” murder mystery set as a comedy. The show was interactive as the audience participated in the story and also solved the murder. I can’t remember the last time my husband and I laughed so hard together. (Just a quick note, I stuck to my eating plan and skipped eating the stuff I didn’t need)

My coach often encourages me to celebrate my victories no matter how small, as I learn to grow as a person and an author.

Why put an emphasis on celebration? Why is it important?

The Benefits

When I reach a goal, my coach will often say “Congratulation!”. Originally I was confused by his praise, until I started to understand his motives.

Too often in life, our accomplishments are taken for granted by ourselves or others. We are taught to discount our progress. For, me I would often say “If I can do it, any one can”. This statement is the wrong message on many levels. This statement robs me of satisfaction and kills my self esteem.


First of all, and perhaps the most important reason to celebrate is getting a sense of satisfaction, a sense of pride in ourselves. It makes us happy, if only for a moment, to recognize our achievements.

Forgive me if I have related this story in another blog, but the message is important. We were eating dinner with our grandkids. Our granddaughter, who was about 18 months old, picked up her napkin and cleaned her own face and hands.

On seeing this, I said “Good job!”. She broke into a grin and clapped for herself. I loved it! I clapped with her. We still see her clap if she catches a ball or gets her shoes on by herself. She is innocent and happy. My baby taught me a lesson in celebrating success! While her accomplishments are routine to us, they were monumental, life changing even, for her.

Positive Motivation

Secondly, celebrating success or progress keeps us motivated to do more. If I take a moment to say “That looks great!” to myself after cleaning the kitchen, I am more motivated to keep my house cleaning schedule on track. I want more of that sense of accomplishment in my life.

The world can beat us down in many ways we might not understand, yet we feel it in our bones. Taking time to celebrate our hard work is a healthy way to combat the beat down.

For example, just before the pandemic hit, my daughter worked hard and obtained her GED. She would call me before and after every test. I was excited for her every step of the way. We wanted to throw a party to celebrate her success, but our state was locked down and with it, my plans to celebrate with a big party for her. She told me that making us proud was enough celebration for her. (I could see that she was pleased that we wanted a big celebration.)

Increased Self Esteem and Confidence

When I stop to celebrate my success, I take time to recognize and reflect on my achievements. It gives me an opportunity to feel positive and fulfilled. If we brush past the chance to celebrate, our lives can become drab and grueling.

On the other hand, celebration energizes us. Celebrating helps me recognize what is unique about me and my talents. I bring those unique talents into focus increasing my confidence.

What Constitutes A Celebration?

For me , celebrations can be as small as a “way to go!” comment ranging to a big blow out party. It depends on the occasion.

Celebrations need to be something that is positive and meaningful to you.

When You Don’t Feel Like Celebrating

You might say to me “Wait! I have nothing to celebrate, I’m just average and don’t have successes worth celebrating”

Maybe you are suffering from crippling depression, grief or physically in pain, even then you can find things to celebrate. If you get yourself out of bed despite suffering in the depths of depression or anxiety, then celebrate! Movement is a reason to celebrate.

You deserve to celebrate even if only for a minute. Building on one success will lead you to notice the next and then the next. In this way, you can help yourself get to a better place.

Clap for yourself like my granddaughter claps! I know I will be clapping for you as well, my friend.

Photo by Ambreem Hasan on Unsplash

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