New Growth, Renewed Hope

This weekend my husband and I were running errands. As we drove around town, I was saddened by the number of businesses permanently closed in the aftermath of the pandemic. While I read billboards, I saw new business ventures in place of the old favorites. It is exciting to see new venues in town.

It reminds me of the aftermath of a forest fire. There are seeds that survive in the burned out areas. Sunlight and rain delivered to the land will coax seedlings to grow among the ashes. In turn, new growth provides needed food for wildlife. While it may be a long process, the land does heal.

New growth bring us new hope. Stopping at a recently opened restaurant for breakfast, we met the immigrant owners and had a wonderful meal. It was a balm to my grieving heart.

My friends, I hope you are in a place that has renewed growth and hope. If not, I hope you will make it to a hopeful place soon.

I would love to hear your stories of renewed growth and hope. If you need encouragement instead, leave me a comment as well. We all do better when we support each other.

Photo by Syahirah Salleh on Unsplash

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