New Growth, Renewed Hope

This weekend my husband and I were running errands. As we drove around town, I was saddened by the number of businesses permanently closed in the aftermath of the pandemic. While I read billboards, I saw new business ventures in place of the old favorites. It is exciting to see new venues in town. It […]

Turn Setbacks Into Success

We all experience setbacks in life whether it is at work, in relationships, school or sports. Recently, I started a weight loss plan and was progressing quite well. However, for the last three weeks, I have not lost weight but gained back a couple pounds. My initial reaction was one of disappointment in myself. I […]

Don’t Quit! Don’t Quit! Don’t Quit!

I saw this short video on You Tube today and am sharing it with you. Please note, sometimes we are in over our heads and need to reassess our goals. This video speaks to my heart on issues where quitting is not an option. Please click here to view: What do you think? Are […]

If Those Tears Could Talk…

My friends, I hope this year finds you healthy and doing well. If not, take encouragement, life can get better. I have had some pretty serious difficulties since a traumatic event happened just before Christmas. Since then, I have been going to therapy. I became so very depressed and full of anxiety that my therapist […]

There Is Always Room For Hope!

I was walking from the cafeteria back to the lab thinking about the difficult relationship my daughters have with their birth mother. I sighed and thought “Oh well, there is always room for hope!.” Suddenly, I realized, there is always room for hope in any situation. I felt like shouting it from the rooftop! There […]

Why Me?

I have not kept up with this blog site the way that I originally intended. The reason is lack of motivation. Because I struggle with ongoing health issues, “Why Me?” is a question that has been rolling around in my head. Do you ask the same question when hard times hit? I have found that […]

A Reflection On Gratitude

The 75th anniversary of D-Day on the heels of Memorial Day has me thinking about the attitude of gratitude. Looking back, I remember my father telling me stories of World War II and his experiences overseas. My father’s generation grew up during the Great Depression, coming of age in time to face the horrors of […]

Looking Forward With Hope In The New Year

It is New Year’s Eve and I can honestly say that I look forward with hope for 2019. You might question my sanity since I talked about depression and grief during the holiday season. I tell you quite simply that I can look forward with hope because I looked back over the year 2018 and […]

Choosing Impossible Hope: A Beginners Guide

It was a novel concept for me to realize I can choose to hope in any circumstance that life throws at me,  I mean any circumstance including the worst case scenarios. In this post I will describe three basic ways to adapt our responses so we can learn to choose hope in the darkest of moments. […]