Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine

When was the last time you had a really good, gut busting laugh? Do you remember how that felt? Do you believe laughter really is the best medicine? See how laughter helps!

Please watch this : video. (Don’t worry, it has a G rating and is a bit corny)

I am sure you get the point of the song. Laughter releases feel good hormones called endorphins. The same sort of natural high that we get from intense workouts or running distances.

For instance, last week I had a fun conversation in the lunch room at work. It was between co-workers with similar humor. We laughed so hard at our own jokes that I literally had sore muscles afterward.

The benefit of the endorphin rush was a mood altering sense of wellness.

This was a reminder to me that even the most depressed or challenged person can have moments of levity. At the time, I was acutely aware of that feeling of well being and realized that this is something that I want more of in my life.

The best part of all? Laughter is free and widely available, making laughter the best medicine.

The challenge for all of us is to be more and more aware and in the moment as we go about our lives. Grab on to any feeling of well being that you experience and think about “How can I create more of this in my life?”

Leave a comment to let me know how laughter has made life better for you. (I am not referring to laughter used in a cruel or bullying way. No one should ever have to experience that!)

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