Happy Independence Day!

I am excited about 4th of July more than in past years. The state of Michigan recently reopened after 15 months of lock down status. Freedom is more precious to me after the long lock down. I am celebrating my personal independence. In addition, I want to wish every one a Happy Independence Day on July fourth!

Did you know July 4th did not become a national holiday until 1870 when Congress declared it an unpaid holiday for federal employees? In 1776 the continental congress adopted the Declaration of Independence from British rule. We have celebrated the 4th of July since that time.

Interestingly enough, we were still deeply involved in the American revolutionary war until September of 1783. Celebrations took place in spite of the war!

In case you are wondering, I am not intending on lecturing history to you. I just like to share interesting facts with my friends.

The pandemic battle is not over. However, I am celebrating the “end is in sight” feeling of optimism. What about you? Are you celebrating with family and friends this year?

Here’s hoping this year is your best celebration ever! Happy Independence Day!!!

Photo by Brent Gorwin at Unsplash

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