Depression and Anxiety: The Struggle is Real

I suffer from depression and anxiety. Some days are much better than others. The following are a few questions that I cope with that may resonate with you:

Do I have to be depressed forever? Is there a cure when there is no consensus on the cause? What is the right treatment for me? Why do I feel so alone? Where can I go for help? Also, can a believer in God be depressed? Isn’t depression the same as faithlessness? Am I having a bad couple weeks or do I really need help? I can barely get out of bed, how can I keep going to work?

How can I author a blog about hope and still struggle with depression? Good question isn’t it? Sometimes, I worry about my effectiveness in helping others who are depressed because I still suffer from depression. However, I do empathize with others who suffer symptoms, perhaps that is my strength.

The Lies We Believe

Some of the lies that we believe keep us stuck in depression and anxiety:

  1. If I want something bad enough, I’ll find a way to achieve my goal. This is simply not true as we are not all equipped with the same talents and experiences.
  2. . As a person who believes in God, I am faithless when I feel depressed. Again, not true. Scientists do not know what the causes of depression are. It is unfair to judge ourselves in this manner. Christians would do well to remember Jesus suffered depression and anxiety when He was in the garden of Gethsemane.
  3. I should be over this by now. We beat ourselves up with the words “should” and shouldn’t”. You can learn self talk which builds your self esteem. Click here to see more on this topic.
  4. If only I was good enough…then I would be happy, healed, lovable etc. The simple truth is you are more than good enough! For more on this topic click here
  5. Depression is a sin. Jesus was depressed and He is without sin, how can depression be sinful?
  6. My life is hopeless. This is another lie we often believe. The simple truth is there is hope. We often can’t feel hopeful because of our symptoms.

How Is Depression and Anxiety Treated ?

There are many great resources for people to help themselves. I believe the answer is different for each person. For some people, medications are helpful. For others, help comes in the form of talk therapy.

I do use antidepressants as I believe some of my depression is based in health issues. Medication helps reduce the symptoms and allows talk therapy to be more effective.

Some people need a good physical to diagnose any hidden medical issues such as thyroid problems. Years ago, I experienced a major depressive episode when my girls were young. The doctor had my hormones tested and discovered my thyroid was not functioning. Treatment for my thyroid helped me immensely. In fact, the doctor told me one of the leading causes of depression in women is low thyroid hormone.

Exercise and healthy eating is a major element to treating depression. Also, I find that forcing myself out of the house and going for a walk can be very therapeutic.


I am in the process of starting a thread where resources can be shared by readers. In the meantime, I am referring you to a blog site that I think is wonderful. I am acquainted with the author, Sarah Robinson, and find she is wonderfully sensitive to her readers. The link to her site is

In her blog, Sarah writes extensively about depression and her experiences in her own life. I appreciate her candid articles and her continuing belief that depression is an illness which can be managed.

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