A Quick Thought For The Day

My coach and I were talking about the word should the other day. Out of that conversation comes my quick thought for the day: “If I could have, I would have.” “That’s brilliant! Fucking genius!” he responded. Our conversation continued as we talked about the reasons I fail to do something. He explained again that […]

Be Selfish

What do I mean “be selfish”? Isn’t selfishness a mortal sin? That answer depends on how selfishness is defined. In recent years, I am discovering that selfishness is necessary for me to live a more fulfilling life. I am talking about taking time to care of myself. With no apologies, I have taken a couple […]

The Truth About Pain

The truth about pain is something that we don’t often want to think about. When we hurt we want to eliminate or erase our pain, to alleviate it. We do anything we can to avoid or stop pain. The truth is we need pain. Recent studies have shown that emotional pain is similar to physical […]

Our Need For Community

As I finished attending a two day author’s conference, I was reminded how we all need community to thrive. We had a small group of about 15 people total. We spent two days talking about the structures and content of our book ideas. The most amazing dynamic took place when we walked into the conference […]

PTSD: One Test for Growth and Recovery

One test for for measuring whether or not you have achieved growth and recovery process for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD) is to assess how much you react to flashbacks and how long the emotional and physical reaction lasts. As an example: Leaving for work, my garage door was open. I could not find […]

Grief and The Holidays

My husband and I love animals having grown up with dogs, cats, horses and assorted rodents (not rats or mice!). We learned to make them a part of the family treating them with love and respect. One year our daughters begged and teased for us to get a pug dog. I knew nothing about the […]