Memorial Day 2021

My friends, it has been quite a year so far. I can hardly believe it is the holiday weekend with June just around the corner. I want to encourage you to relax and enjoy family and or friends this weekend. It is the time of year that I focus on those in the past and present who have sacrificed everything for our country.

If you have served in our military or coast guard, I say :

Thank you for your sacrifice and service!”

This year, I will visit my father’s grave and place flowers. After that, we will visit my father-in-law’s grave. These men came from an incredible generation who survived not only the the Great Depression but also World War II. My dad served in the Korean war as well. I remember their generation with reverence and gratitude.

My husband and I will also be honoring friends and co-workers who have passed away from Covid 19. Although they were not in the service, their lives were lost to a global enemy which attacked swiftly and aggressively.

I am encouraging you to also think about celebrating the good things we have in life. I am very grateful for family and friends who have survived their battle with Covid 19 (including my husband).

Be well and stay safe!

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