Are You Tired of the 2020 Pandemic? Take a Breather before the Holidays

Most people will agree with me that this last year has been a tough one! Are you tired of the 2020 pandemic? Perhaps you are suffering now from the illness or are grieving the loss of someone you love. Perhaps you saw your savings eaten up because of a lost business opportunity, job or career.

It seems everything was topsy turvy this year. Now that Halloween is in the rearview mirror and the holiday season is fast approaching, it’s time to take a breath.

I started worrying in an obsessed sort of way about the presidential election and what the outcome would mean to our country. Additionally, I worry about my two girls who always seem to be in one conflict after another. Also, positive Covid 19 cases are growing at an exponential rate here in Michigan. We are harder hit in Michigan than we were last spring.

What Worry Buys

Yes, I worried far too much over the things in life that I have absolutely no control over. My writing coach showed me how I was sapping my energy with this excessive thinking.

As difficult as the discussion became, I realized that I have paid a steep price. When I worry, my stomach is tied up in knots, muscles get sore and I end up with a migraine headache. Worse yet, I don’t sleep worth a darn and I am less tolerant to pain.

Obsessive worry robbed me of my creative energy and left me exhausted. I realized that I am suffering from pandemic fatigue. I am tired of our state lockdown status, mask mandates and social distancing.

What I Recommend

My husband and I decided to drive to our property in northern Michigan. My sister and her husband brought their dog and and met us for a day of hanging out in nature and exploring our property.

As an added bonus, my cousin and his wife were at their property and we spent time catching up on family news. As the day drew to a close, we ended up with a bonfire to knock the chill off our bones.

The highlight for me was when we stopped for an animal in the roadway. We were looking at an owl so intent on it’s prey that it did not notice us at first. Then it took off in flight showing us a magnificent wingspan.

I took great delight in seeing the owl (we believe it was a Snowy Owl). I had roamed those woods for years and never saw an owl.

As we drove away, I realized that I was relaxed for the first time in weeks.

If you are tired of the pandemic and all that it means to the world, take a breather. My day was a break from all that worried me. I was able to see the beauty around me and to breathe.

Sometimes, you can’t get away for a whole day. I still recommend you do something that helps you relax and take your mind off your troubles. Even if it has to be a quick break. Do something to help yourself relax.

The benefit for me was a renewed spirit. I hope you can find a renewal for yourself in this crazy world!

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