A Quick Thought For The Day

My coach and I were talking about the word should the other day. Out of that conversation comes my quick thought for the day:

“If I could have, I would have.”

“That’s brilliant! Fucking genius!” he responded. Our conversation continued as we talked about the reasons I fail to do something. He explained again that we need three basic things to be able to do something:

  1. Desire
  2. Skill
  3. Emotional capacity to do it

Tell me what you think about this. What happens if you have the desire and skill but lack the emotional (or physical) capacity to do it? I encourage you to read my blog 3 Circumstances When We Should Drop “Should and Shouldn’t” From Our Thinking.

It helps to have a reminder now and then.

PS: My husband has fully recovered from his corona virus infection and has returned to work after six weeks of recovery. We are grateful for his full recovery. I work in healthcare and have seen great tragedy as well as great triumph during this pandemic. My hope for you is that you stay well!

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